SDG&E Energy Information Center (EIC)

SDG&E Energy Innovation Center Tour

See how the SDG&E Energy Innovation Center (4160 Clairemont Mesa Blvd) mixed energy efficiency, water conservation and sustainable materials to make the Center an eco-friendly state-of-the-art facility. Sign up for the 50 minute Sustainability Tour by contacting 1-800-613-8970.


Center Features

The Energy Innovation Center is designed to be Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Platinum certified (see Here are a few of the special features at the Center:

  • Limit the waste. About 85% of the original building's materials were reused or recycled.
  • Our roof isn't just a roof. It's covered with special materials that reflect heat and help our Heating, Ventilation, and A/C (HVAC) system not work so hard.
  • One big battery-the sun. Our solar panels do things like offset the building's energy use by 34% and heat our water.
  • The sky is our reservoir. Our roof has a rain water collection unit that stores water used for our irrigation system.
  • Go with the low-flow. All of our water fixtures are ultra low flow, helping to reduce water consumption up to 30%.
  • Bright ideas. The Center features the newest technology in lighting, reducing our energy use. Each room is equipped with sensors that automatically turn off the lights when it's not being used.
  • Smart air. Our state-of-the-art HVAC system has sensors that shut off the A/C when windows are open.
  • Our carpet's a retread. Literally, it's made from recycled tires. Most of the items you see in the Center are made from recycled materials, including our furniture.
  • The ozone is our friend. The Center features only low-emitting materials - paint, sealants, adhesives, and coatings.
  • Even our trees are solar. Our parking lot features Solar Trees® - covered parking areas with solar panels on top that provide both shade for your car and power for the region.

For more info about the EIC, please visit


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